Advanced Red Hat Linux Servers Management Operation & Automation

DNS | DHCP | NFS | Samba | HTTPD | HAProxy | Cryptography & many more

Vimal Daga

The World Record Holder, Founder at LinuxWorld & #13, Sr. Principal IT Consultant, TEDx Speaker & Philanthropist

He has been featured at:

What will you learn in the training?

  • Introduction to HTTPD Web Server
  • Launching EC2 Instance
  • Apache HTTPD Software
  • HTTPD Protocol
  • IP Address and Resources
  • Installing HTTPD
  • Creating Webpage
  • Webserver Configuration
  • Starting the HTTPD Webserver
  • Public IP and Document Root Folder
  • Public IP and Document Root Folder
  • Installation of Net-Tools
  • HTTPD Configuration File
  • Working with Directories
  • CLI and Browser Commands
  • Managing Access
  • User-Agent and DDOS
  • Log File Management
  • Controlling Document Root
  • HTTPD User-Agent and Variables
  • Setting Up Roles
  • Access Control Lists
  • Request URI Keyword
  • Creating Forms and Query Strings
  • Inline and Block Concepts
  • Using PS Command
  • Process Control with PGRP and Kill Command
  • Source Code Access Control
  • Log Management and Automation
  • Understanding Modular Concepts
  • Apache Module List
  • Configuration and Static Modules
  • Authentication and Mod_Authz_Basic Module
  • Secure Data Directory
  • Authentication Providers
  • Access Logs and Root User
  • SELinux and Audit Log
  • Accept Filter Directive
  • Encryption and User Directory Management
  • Virtual Hosting and DNS
  • HAProxy Overview
  • Features and High Availability
  • Security Considerations
  • Launching EC2 Instance for HAProxy
  • Installation and Configuration
  • Working with Backend Servers
  • Load Balancing Algorithms
  • SSL/TLS and Statistics
  • Single Point of Failure
  • Scaler Load Balancer and ACL
  • DNS Health Checking
  • Virtual IP and Keepalive Program
  • Setting Up Static IP Address
  • Network Teaming and Redundancy
  • DNS Server Configuration
  • Configuring Authoritative and Slave DNS Servers

  • Introduction to MySQL
  • MySQL Workbench and Installation
  • Database Design and Normalization
  • Creating Tables and Joins
  • MySQL Data Types and Functions
  • User Management and Access Control
  • Backup and Restore using Mysqldump
  • In detailed researches dedicated to SSL, TLS and HTTPS
  • In depth of the certificates of some popular websites
  • Difference between HTTP and HTTPS
  • Analyzing traffic using tcpdump
  • Symmetric Key Encryption
  • Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithms
  • Hashing in detailed
  • MD5 hashing algorithm
  • SHA hashing algorithm and HMAC in depth
  • Asymmetric keys in detailed
  • Encryption using asymmetric keys
  • Signing data using asymmetric keys
  • RSA in depth
  • PKI – Public Key Infrastructure in detailed
  • Public and private keys intro
  • Generate your first private key
  • Digital signatures
  • Certificates – web server side
  • Certificates – browser side
  • Create your first certificate request
  • Self sign your certificate
  • Installing OpenSSL
  • Using OpenSSL for RSA keys generation
  • Exploring certificate of Google
  • Root CA and root certificates in the OS
  • How Chain of Trust is built
  • Verifying chain of certificates
  • Verifying SSL certificate and certificates chain
  • PKI, Chain of trust and certificates summary
  • Certificate domain scopes
  • Discussion on the SSL and TLS
  • History and versions of the SSL and TLS
  • Why RSA is not used for data encryption in HTTPS
  • How TLS session is established
  • Analyzing TLS session setup using Wireshark
  • In depth of cipher suites
  • Encryption key generation by the web browser
  • Delivering encryption key using Diffie Hellman key exchange
  • Diffie Hellman in detailed
  • Modulus operation
  • Diffie Hellman algorithm
  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography in depth
  • CSR – Certificate Signing Request
  • Generate Self-Signed certificate using OpenSSL
  • Self-signed certificate overview
  • Create self-signed certificate

Who is this training for?

System Administrators
DevOps Engineers
Network Administrators
IT Managers
Web Developers
Security Analysts
Students and Enthusiasts
Anyone curious to learn new things in IT security

4 Reasons to undergo this Training under Mr Vimal Daga

Reason #1: No wasted time

Don’t make the same mistake as other Professionals or freshers. They spend months in finding the right resource to solve all their technical challenges and…It’s better to spend just 40 hours and get what you were exactly looking for

Reason #2: No irrelevant content

You don’t need to learn everything about Cryptography, a lot of which the industry doesn’t use. We will be delivering the most needed content in the least possible time.

Reason #3: No inexperienced mentor

It is always good to follow a mentor who is an Internationally Recognised Industry expert with 19+ years of experience. Adding to the above, the benefit of a mentor who also has proven Tech consulting experience with Fortune 500 Companies. And lastly, a WORLD RECORD HOLDER who has the maximum & the most recent IT certifications across the globe to deliver high quality technical education.

Reason #4: It’s not over when it is over

You don’t need to select a training program that doesn’t support you after it is over. Here you will be a part of a community where your technical queries will be handled much beyond program completion.

Still not sure if the training is for YOU?

Please see if you can resonate with any, tick where your answer is YES !

If you have ticked any of the above box, then you are invited to join Advanced Red Hat Linux Server Management and Automation Training

Get Certified

Yes! You will be certified for this training once you submit the task given, if any

Official and verified:

Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects

Easily shareable

Add the certificate to your CV or your Resume or post it directly on LInkedin. You can even post it on instagram and twitter.

Enhances Credibility

Use your certificate to enhance your professional credibility and stand out among your peers as an expert

Increase potential opportunities

By showcasing your achieved skill set using your certificate, attracting the employer for the desired job opportunities becomes easy

Know Your Mentor

None of the technologies is complex since created by human beings. Hence, anyone can learn it and create something new.

#13 proudly presents Vimal Daga as the mentor for this program

A world record holder, Mr. Vimal Daga is a Technologist, Philanthropist & A TEDx Speaker who is dedicatedly working atowards his vision- “Awakening the youth through a culture of right education”.

He is the first one in the world to become “RedHat Certified Architect Level 25 along with Enterprise Application Level 10”. Companies benefited from his 19+ years of experience.

He has expertise in multitude of latest and high-end technologies namely Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Delphix, AppDynamics, Docker, DevOps, Cloud Computing, AWS, and many more.
2,00,000+ Students Impacted
1,50,000+ Professionals trained
75+ Global Certifications
200+ Companies benefited

Book your spot ! We will be increasing the price soon…

Advanced Red Hat Linux
Servers - Management, Operations & Automation
Security Training
(Save ₹11,050)

₹ 3,950 ₹ 15,000 (+ taxes)

What you’ll learn...

And bonuses too...

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s a self paced course. Hence learn at your convenience.

No, we are not offering any corporate or group discount.

We start from the very basics, so no previous knowledge is required.

Yes DEFINITELY..You will be added to a community where technical support team members will answer your queries for 90 days from the completion of the program.

No refund will be entertained. 

Our alumni works at: